11 August 2012

A Garden Tour, Part 1

The kids spend countless hours in the garden.  I cannot list all the activities they've come up with.  Right now they are getting sunflower seeds out of Blackoil and some other sunflower...to be stored up for the birds for winter.

Here is our corn.  I think Raleigh planted it from a kernel of popcorn.  They made a face on the one ear of corn and styled the hair.  It's funny to walk out to!

This is our wheat.  There were other patches but we decided to take them out for our Garden of Giants, to be shown in a later post.  Raleigh and Dawson are the ones who took the wheat berries from the garage and decided to plant them.  You can also see the rhubarb we keep transplanting...maybe next year it will really grow.  All of the sunflowers are volunteer and they make the garden SOOO happy--filled with goldfinches and brightness.


We will make some bread with their wheat!

Loving the harvest and the Lord of it all!

1 comment:

Katie @ Creatively Living said...

I love those two smiling sprouts!
