07 October 2010

A husband of noble character who can find?
(forgive me, I'm not trying to be sacreligious, I just think sometimes he needs to be honored, too)

He is worth more than rubies, the finest clothes, the largest house, the most beautiful farm land, and even the coolest 1950's Ford pick-up painted deep-sky blue you could ever own.

His wife has full confidence in him and lacks nothing of value.

He brings her good, not harm, all the days of her life.

Many men do noble things, but you surpass them all by loving this silly wife faithfully even when it's hard.
And by serving Christ and loving your wife as He loved the church.

Intelligence is deceptive and wealth, power, and good looks are fleeting, but a man who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Give him the reward he has earned, and let his works bring him praise at the city gate.

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