19 July 2010

Dreams of Paths

Our pathway is now finished...except all the incomplete parts.

As our family's grown larger, taller, and more active, the need for an alternate exit besides the small front entry escalated.  My aunt gave the idea to use our just completed laundry room as a family mudroom as well.

And so the walkway.  Taking us to whatever destination we're headed to or returning us home.

The kids and I visited our local lilac garden this spring, where each of them chose their own fragrant, heirloom lilac bush to plant alongside the path.

And each made a stepping stone to set next to their lilac.  Hopefully I'll put up an arbor or two with climbing roses and maybe even add a little bench somewhere.

My mama heart wonders, though.  Maybe a little like the pondering of Mary.  How long will we use this pathway before life brings change?   And even if we stay physically located here, the future is still full of change.

They will grow, are growing.  Soon their hands won't fit into their step stone prints.  Little Timmy, with cheeks nearly blocking out his profile, will quickly slender down and run the path with the rest. 
As they grow, and their lilacs with them, what will happen in their hearts?  They'll start to make choices of their own, plans, dreams, and one day I won't even be needed to taxi them around. 

They'll walk the pathway by themselves.

We watch the path dry, waiting anxiously to use it.  Finally, the okay is given.  But before we start coming and going, I draw them near and we hold hands at the starting line and I pray.  "Oh, Lord, do guide our comings and our goings in all we do.  And be with us.  Most of all, help each of these dear souls to walk with You all their days."
And we take the first step together and the adventure begins.  Where it ends only God truly knows.

My heartfelt, regular prayer for these children, knowing only God can keep them on the right path...
"He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8


Lora Maria said...

made me cry.

Anne said...

It looks great!
Home is truly the trail-head.