18 June 2010

Tasting Fruit

It is delicious, nutritious, and oh, so much fun to do as a family. We've gone three times this summer and would go more if we could....strawberry picking!!!!
As I was cleaning and cutting them up, I kept finding green ones half eaten.
I did some sleuthing and found that the little picker in the stripes was the culprit!
Paying for green strawberries and dirt clods is part of the package when picking with young children.

I think we got even though, as Timmy has no concept of rows and so if we're not
watching (or too focused to care), he'll just barrel through the rows squishing I'm sure more than one ripe red strawberry!
This guy loves it all.  Hard to get him out of the patch.
This was his first time, he's been busy the other two.  Worked very hard!

Fresh strawberry salad to go with our hot dogs....when you pick, there's not much time to make fancy dinner.  But I thought a strawberry salad might make up for it.
I wasn't going to show you this Strawberry Pie.  Well, I was until I realized it didn't set.  Then I thought I wouldn't.  We were celebrating FishingHusband's birthday and the kids were so excited about the pie.
Yes, that's a dump truck candle sinking into the pie.  Conner took the picture 'cause I was too busy laughing at my poor husband's birthday cake.  I'm sure he never suffered so much in his childhood home.
But I got requests for seconds.
Once again, I can sure make it yummy, just don't ask me to make it look good.  Take, for instance, this situation:  A lovely homemade strawberry pie that's all set right and goes onto the plate in one piece, but the cook accidentally used salt instead of sugar.  I'm sure anyone would think my pie was amazing compared to that!
Here's to family fun in the U-Pick patches!

1 comment:

Kimberly H. said...

Super sweet pictures of the kids in the strawberry patch!