09 December 2010

Even Angels

He's been setting them up high---near the light.

I noticed it first when I couldn't sleep.  Fumbling

for the living room lamp switch I heard a thud.

That the thud was an angel made me smile.

Then last night when the company was leaving

and we switched the lamps on after advent

she pointed out a shape illuminating out of the

tall lamp.  I smiled and said it must be an angel. 

They're found near lights around our home.

And I look at them, these children, and think

about how they just know angels should be up

high near the light. 

But I also know how much they have to learn.

That the babe in the manger, clothed

in poverty

till the day He died, will call them to hard things.

That the way of the Cross for lovers of the Christ-Child is

paved with difficulty and full of

opportunities to grow.

He left those angels to be an alien and stranger

on earth. 

Leaving the light

to be a light for us.

I learn so much every year.

Dear, dear little people in my home....

may this Christmas season illuminate your

understanding of the Christ-Child

even just a little more.  The One in

whom even angels long to look.

Even angels long to look into these things.  1 Pt. 1.12b

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